If you don’t see an answer to your question below, please feel free to call us at 301-200-8185 or 804.206.9122.

We are open 24/7/365

For our specialty services we do require an appointment to be seen.

For emergency services we ask that you call ahead to be triaged.

Please call us and we can help determine what your pet needs and what the next steps are.
Frederick: 301.200.8185
Richmond: 804.206.9122

Emergencies are life-threatening and require immediate intervention. Our teams are here 24/7 to help you get your pet to us as quickly and safely as possible.

Urgent care cases are not life-threatening and do not need immediate intervention.

During a phone call our team will ask questions to determine when your pet needs to be seen. These questions may include:

  • Is your pet experiencing any vomiting or diarrhea?
  • Is your pet eating and drinking normally?
  • Has your pet been exposed to any toxins?
  • Is your pet able to walk/move?

We offer emergency care when your primary care veterinarian is not available. We also work with your primary care veterinarian when specialty services like surgery, oncology, cardiology, internal medicine, or neurology are needed. This includes advanced diagnostics such CT, and MRI scans.

The difference between Partner Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center and other emergency clinics is our focus on the ability to help. The Partner team has the ability and resources to provide information, answer questions, and assist in navigating the care needed for your pet.

While you do not need a referral, we see ourselves as an extension of your primary care veterinarian, so we do recommend a referral.

A board-certified veterinary specialist is a veterinarian who has completed additional training in a specific area of veterinary medicine and has passed an examination that evaluates their knowledge and skills in that specialty area.

Unfortunately, we do not take stray animals.

We first recommend that you call Animal Control and they will direct you on the best option.

We only see cats and dogs. If you found injured wildlife, you can call a local wildlife rescue in your area.

We do not offer vaccinations.

We do not spay or neuter.

We do not dispense these preventative medications.

We do accept checks. We will also accept all major credit cards and cash. We also accept CareCredit and Scratch Pay. See our Payment Options Page for more information.

Yes we accept pet insurance. Depending on your insurance we can do direct pay, this includes with Trupanion.

We’re happy to discuss a care plan/pricing for your pet and family’s individual needs, and we provide multiple options for financing as well. We will work together to find the best options that work for you.