Neurology – Seizure Appointment Questionnaire -Recheck Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Pet name: *Your name: *Appointment date: *Appointment Location *FrederickRichmondWhen did seizures first start? *When was the most recent episode? *Any change in description of seizures?Seizure Frequency Please indicate any of the following that applyTypical frequency: *Any recent changes:Is your pet having other new neurologic symptoms? (pain, weakness, balance, lethargy, behavior change, disorientation, vision loss, etc) If so, please describe. *Have recent drug levels been done, and when? *Has any other lab work been done, and when? *Medications Please indicate any of the following that applyRecent dose changes or since last visit? If so, when? *Any ongoing side-effects: *Can you give medications every 8 hours (3 times per day)? *Do you prefer tablets or liquid? *Are you satisfied with medication pricing? Do you use coupons? *Current Medications Please indicate any of the following that applyPlease indicate the number of your pet's current medications.None123456Medication 1 Drug NameTimesSize/ConcentrationSourceDoseDate StartedMedication 2 Drug NameTimes Size/ConcentrationSource DoseDate Started Medication 3 Drug NameTimesSize/Concentration SourceDoseDate Started Medication 4 Drug NameTimesSize/ConcentrationSourceDoseDate Started Medication 5 Drug NameTimesSize/ConcentrationSourceDoseDate StartedMedication 6 Drug NameTimesSize/ConcentrationSourceDoseDate StartedOther current/past health conditions, concerns, surgeries: *Any other recent changes/updates since last appointment: *Current diet: *Any known allergies: *For cats: indoor only, indoor/outdoor, outdoor only? *Is your pet up to date on vaccines? *Has your pet spent time in other regions out of state? *Submit