We are excited to offer acupuncture as part of an integrative approach in therapy to help improve your pets quality of life. Acupuncture can be a great complementary therapy to routine treatments (like arthritis, post surgical and cancer pain, GI and lung issues) and may be helpful for dogs who do not tolerate traditional therapies.
I obtained my certification in acupuncture (CVA) with the Chi University with a strong focus on Chinese Medicine theory. It is my focus to provide a holistic approach to treat the total well being of your furry family member throughout their happy life.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions. More specifically musculoskeletal problems such as arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, nerve weakness or paralysis, respiratory problems (i.e. asthma), gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, and allergic dermatitis.
Acupuncture has been practiced in both animals and humans for thousands of years, and aims to restore balance within the body and promote healing. It involves insertion of thin needles within specific points located in areas which are highly dense in free nerve endings, lymphatic vessels and small blood vessels on the body in order to achieve a desired therapeutic effect and promote a healing response.
In TCVM philosophy, disease is caused by imbalance of energy within the body and a TCVM diagnosis will take into account the whole animal. During your pet’s first assessment I will consider a wide range of factors not just the western diagnosis. For example, your animals “personality”, sex, age, activity and living environment to create a very individualized treatment plan. Biology is not just affected by the internal processes but everything your animal is exposed to.
Acupuncture can be used together with Western Medicine to provide a holistic approach to treat the total well being of your animal and I look forward to being a part of your pet’s care.